Tuesday 10 March 2015


 Area: 43, 608, 000 million

Population: 3588.9 million

Latitudes: 10˚ 11’S to 81˚ 12’N

Only some of the Indonesian group of Islands is located to the south of equator in the southern Hemisphere.

Longitude: 26˚ 2’E to 169˚ 40’ W in the east crossing 180˚ longitude.

North – south Extent: 6,440 km

East – west extent: 9, 650 km.

largest continent in the world, 13 times larger than India.


the continent of Asia is situated entirely in the northern hemisphere except some of the islands of Indonesia. To the north of it lies the Arctic Ocean, a frozen sea, to the east the Pacific oceann, to the south the Indian  Ocean and to the west lies Mediterranean Sea. It is separated from Europe by the Ura Mountains, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the caucus Mountains and the Strait of Dardanelles in the West and from African by the Red Sea and the Isthmus of Suez while the Bering Strain separates it from North America. 

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