Wednesday 11 February 2015


 ·         Middle America consists of that stretch of land that extends southward from the southern border of the United States to Colombia in South America. It includes.
·         Mexico, the largest country in area and population;
·         The small central American countries; and
·         Numerous islands, large and small in the Caribbean Sea or near it.

·         South –east of Mexico, the North American eoctinenet tapers southwards through narrow isthmus which connects northland South America and embraces seven small courtiers knowncolectively as Central America. Five of the countries Guatemala, Honduras. Costrica, Nicaragua and panama have sea coast on both the side-the Pacific Ocean hand the Atlantic Ocean (Caribbean Sea). The other two countries have coasts on one side only. Easily vapor has coast on the pacific side and Belize on the Atlantic side. Geographic fragmentation is the major characteristic of Central America.


  Area  : 19, 72, 547 SQ Km, latitude: 14° 30’-32° 40’N
 Population: 99.6 million  longitude: 86° 50’-117°10’w
 Capital: Mexico city,
·         Mexico is a triangular shaped country which is situated next to the compact bulk of the continuous United States. It looks comparatively small on a bulk world map but its area is nearly eight times that of United Kingdom and is the largest of the Middle American countries.
·         MINERALS: medico is the eliding producer of silver, sapphire and fluorite and is also one of the main producer and exporter of petroleum.

·         Country’s capital is situated in a high level basin.
·         The largest metropolitan city in the world, and their most polluted city.

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