Friday 6 February 2015


 LATITUDE: 7° 12’N to 83° 38’N longitude: 12° 08’ W to 172° 30’ W
                         AREA: 2, 42, 38,000 sq (including Greenland and   the Caribbean islands)
                         POPULATION: 16.3 million
·         49° N latitude forms the boundary between Canada and U.S.A.
·         The 100W longitude divides North America into more or less two equal parts.

                               North America is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, gulf of Mexico     the in                                                                                         south, the pacific ocean in the west and the arctic ocean in the north.                         To the north it is separated from the easternmost tip of Siberia by the Bering Strait.

                            Third largest continent after Asia and Africa.

1.       CANADA

2.       The United States of America.
3.       Mexico
4.       Central America, which consists of Guatemala, Belize, EI Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua; Costa Rica and panama.
5.       Greenland---though it is a part of the continent it belongs to Denmark.
6.       The West Indies consists of some independent states (the Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, and Barbados) and Puerto Rico belonging to the USA.

               Land of lilies
                Land of maple
                Latitude: 41° 40’-83°10’ N
                Longitude: 52° 40’-14° 1’ W
                 Area: 99, 76,140 sq. km.
              Population:  2.25 crores of which British population constitutes 40%and French population constitutes 27%.
              Coastline: about 96,550 km, which is the longest in the world.
              Situation: Canada has very long border with the USA in the south and the west. It is bordered by      the Pacific Ocean in the west, Arctic Ocean and the Hudson Bay in the north and the Atlantic Ocean in   the east.
               Principal provinces and territories
                    British Columbia                  Novascotia
                    Alberta                                  New Brunswick
                     Saskatchewan                      Prince Edward Island
                      Manitoba                             Yukon Territory
                       Ontario                               north west territory
                       Newfoundland                    Nunavut
                     British Columbia
           Province in western Canada that has Alaska and the pacific ocean as part its border.

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